Myofascial Release in Marin - Bodywise Massage Inc

Myofascial Release

Get the Best Myofascial Release Therapy in all of san rafael

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What is Myofascial Release Therapy?

The Myofascial Release Therapy approach is a form of soft tissue massage used to treat somatic dysfunction and its associated pain and restriction. The treatment uses continual palpatory feedback to achieve release of myofascial tissues (myo - referring to muscle, and fascial - referring to soft connective tissue). This is accomplished by relaxing contracted muscles, increasing circulation and lymphatic drainage, and stimulating the stretch reflex of muscles and overlying fascia. Theoretically, myofascial pain differs from other types of pain because it originates in "trigger points," which are related to stiff, anchored areas within the myofascial tissue. The pain that a trigger point causes is often difficult to localize, though.

During myofascial release therapy, the therapist locates myofascial areas that feel stiff and fixed instead of elastic and movable under light manual pressure. These areas, though not always near what feels like the source of pain, are thought to restrict muscle and joint movements, which contributes to widespread muscle pain. The focused manual pressure and stretching used in myofascial release therapy loosen up restricted movement, leading indirectly to reduced pain.

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