PNMT - Hip & Thigh + Leg & Foot

Description: The vital role of the hip as a source of pain and its role in healthy movement is often overlooked. Issues of the hip may present local pain but can also greatly effect areas both above and below. For instance, restrictions in the hip demand that the low back compensate, leading to low back pain. Treatment of the low back (where the symptoms present) will be frustratingly unsuccessful. It is common to have hip pain where no visible pathology is discovered, precise soft tissue approaches can be amazingly effective. The focus of this seminar is on accurate assessment strategies and effective treatment techniques to help you treat the right structure for the right reason.

Hip & Thigh

Date: February 1st 2025   

Time: 9:00a - 6:00p 

Cost:  $240 - $260 

Instructor: James Ivaska 

Supplies: Bring pencil + journal for notes, wear loose fitting clothes, and bring your own favorite creme (no oil, please) 

Registration Link 

Leg & Foot 

Date: February 2nd, 2025

Time: 9:00a - 6:00p  

Cost:  $240 - $260 

Supplies: Bring pencil + journal for notes, wear loose fitting clothes, and bring your own favorite creme (no oil, please) 

Instructor: James Ivaska 

Registration link