Polarity Therapy San Rafael - Bodywise Massage Inc

Polarity Therapy

Get the Best Polarity therapy in all of san rafael

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What is Polarity Therapy?

Polarity Therapy is the art and science of stimulating and balancing the flow of life energy. The term Polarity relates to one of the fundamental laws of nature, namely the attraction and union of opposites through a balanced middle point. The human body is an energy system like a battery or magnet. It has positive, negative and neutral poles and currents of energy that flow through them.

The body work of Polarity Therapy consists of specific manipulations aimed at releasing tension and holding in the physical body and then balancing the life energy. It doesn’t feel like “massage” as the body is not stroked or kneaded.

Polarity therapy is used for fatigue, stress, anxiety, depression, osteoarthritis, pain, cancer-related fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and many other conditions. Polarity therapy uses bipolar contact, which involves applying both hands to the body at once, with each hand on an "opposing location".

Other techniques might include movements and exercise called polarity yoga, nutrition or dietary changes, and counseling. Some of these methods can include practices similar to reflexology, chiropractic, cranial sacral therapy, and others.

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